Teenangels.org - Official Blog

Friday, October 15, 2004

teenangels in england

although teenangels began in New York in 1999, it quickly moved to the UK. The first UK team was trained in 1999 (and is no longer active). The second official UK chapter became active in 2003 when the daughter of one of our Wiredsafety.org volunteers discovered a problem at her tech college with cyberbullying.

Inpatient with waiting for me to arrive in Bradford, England to personally conduct their training, Jennie (the chapter's founder) used sections of my UK and US books, content from our websites and other things to create her own teenangels training manual, and started training them herself.

One of the teenangels from the Bardford, UK chapter has moved to another town and will start a new chapter there, as well.

The teenangels director, herself one of the first teenangels chapter formed in 1999 in NY, will set up new chapters starting in Plymouth, England, and soon in London. The Newham chapter that had become inactive is expected to restart again as well.

want to create a teenangels chapter?
we'll help!
let us know by e-mailing teenangels@wiredsafety.org



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